Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Back to Normalish

I thought summer was supposed to be relaxing??!! Can school start back up so we can settle down? We had a great weekend at N's class reunion, so fun to see everyone's (including my husband's) faces light up when they realize who they are seeing. And so nice to visit wonderful friends who take care of our babies. And have a nice hotel room just me & my husband without monkeys jumping on the bed?? Fabulous.

My mother is visiting, which is so centering. Part of me wants to entertain and part of me wants to just sit and nest. She brought memorabilia from her childhood and ours (me & my sister). Too funny to see letters sent home from camp (is barfating a word?) and see the same funny artwork that my kids draw.

We went to the lake two days ago and let Lily swim. Wore her out, she could barely stand when she got home. It was either worn out from swimming or from all the times she got car sick on the way there and home. Nice. Plus G came with us to play and the kids all went wading in the lake. We were wiping off our legs when she said, "What is that squirmy thing on my leg?" Gross, teeny tiny leech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nasty.