Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What Happened?

What the hell? I blinked and a month and a half went *poof* gone. What the hell? W & Z started school, work started back up, Scouts started back up, my life went *poof*

Rundown with the youngest first. Lily dog. Much better behaved but does she just push it. Just far enough to make the top of my head blow off. She knows where to heel - unlike all the other obnoxious dogs that walk by wheezing while their owner is staggering along behind. But she will edge forward and edge forward, looking back the whole time waiting for me to pull her back. And pull her back. And pull her back. And pull her back. Not fun. My mom left a Gentle Leader which works well. It is a collar with a very light, very loose loop around her nose close to her eyes that turns her head if I pull gently. It works great, but as you all who know me know, I really rely on what others think of me. Really. So people come up and say, "Oh, is that a muzzle?" or "Oh, poor puppy, you want that off your nose, don't you?" It just makes me feel so proud of myself. :(

Next in age is Z. In kindergarten and having a great time, advantage in being dragged to school the past three years so he already knows his way around and what to do. Starting baseball games now. Cutest thing ever. He is such a skinny thing with a tiny booty so he runs 3 steps and has to reach behind to pull up his pants. The pants are as tight as they will go. Besides, he wears everything at the level of his butt crack anyway, so what difference? I put any clothes on him, he yanks them down like a gangsta. Yo baby. He can throw now but still won't swing that bat hard. Swoop, swoop, no swish. But he can hit the ball and get on base, so all is fun. I"m waiting for him to get konged in the head, standing out in left field (literally) (note the picture above, he is turned away from the game) chewing on the lace of his mitt or turning back, and forth, and back, and forth or looking at the game going on in the next field. He told me the other day that he would like to marry me, but I was already married. So I told him that he could live with us forever. Then he says, "And when you die I will get your house." True love I'm telling you.

Next up is W. Third grade is going well, new teachers are so enthusiastic, nice to get them before they are beaten down and give up. He is definitely a different boy now, a boy and not a kid. Holds his shoulders different, has a more defined sense of humor. He got an RPE (Rapid Palate Expander) in July and it was fine. Made him talk funny and gasp a bit when I tightened it each night, but not the drama I thought. Until one side fell out. So the other side jammed up into his gum. Owie. Took him to the orthodontist but the dr was in Ireland so they just yanked it out. Literally. I had to hold his hands, not fun. But afterwards he was estatic. So happy. When we went in last week I said, "Can't we just put on the braces" jokingly since he still had 6 weeks to go and he looked and said "Sure" Whoopie!!! Four teeny tiny brackets on his teeth, so different from the metal mouth I had growing up. They told him to pick four colors for the brackets (so stylin) and I suggested two so he didn't look like a clown. He had been looking at the colors each and every visit and he pulls out two samples and says, "Black and Silverrrrrr" and I wince and say, "How about blue and silver?" and he says "Black and silverrrr." Fine. They actually look pretty good.

Next oldest is Kodi cat. Fat. Sour. Yells at Lily for licking him in the face but won't run away. Just hisses and bitches. I love him.

Gah, too close to dinner and baseball. I'll update on me and the huzband tomorrow. Love him too.