Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What Happened?

What the hell? I blinked and a month and a half went *poof* gone. What the hell? W & Z started school, work started back up, Scouts started back up, my life went *poof*

Rundown with the youngest first. Lily dog. Much better behaved but does she just push it. Just far enough to make the top of my head blow off. She knows where to heel - unlike all the other obnoxious dogs that walk by wheezing while their owner is staggering along behind. But she will edge forward and edge forward, looking back the whole time waiting for me to pull her back. And pull her back. And pull her back. And pull her back. Not fun. My mom left a Gentle Leader which works well. It is a collar with a very light, very loose loop around her nose close to her eyes that turns her head if I pull gently. It works great, but as you all who know me know, I really rely on what others think of me. Really. So people come up and say, "Oh, is that a muzzle?" or "Oh, poor puppy, you want that off your nose, don't you?" It just makes me feel so proud of myself. :(

Next in age is Z. In kindergarten and having a great time, advantage in being dragged to school the past three years so he already knows his way around and what to do. Starting baseball games now. Cutest thing ever. He is such a skinny thing with a tiny booty so he runs 3 steps and has to reach behind to pull up his pants. The pants are as tight as they will go. Besides, he wears everything at the level of his butt crack anyway, so what difference? I put any clothes on him, he yanks them down like a gangsta. Yo baby. He can throw now but still won't swing that bat hard. Swoop, swoop, no swish. But he can hit the ball and get on base, so all is fun. I"m waiting for him to get konged in the head, standing out in left field (literally) (note the picture above, he is turned away from the game) chewing on the lace of his mitt or turning back, and forth, and back, and forth or looking at the game going on in the next field. He told me the other day that he would like to marry me, but I was already married. So I told him that he could live with us forever. Then he says, "And when you die I will get your house." True love I'm telling you.

Next up is W. Third grade is going well, new teachers are so enthusiastic, nice to get them before they are beaten down and give up. He is definitely a different boy now, a boy and not a kid. Holds his shoulders different, has a more defined sense of humor. He got an RPE (Rapid Palate Expander) in July and it was fine. Made him talk funny and gasp a bit when I tightened it each night, but not the drama I thought. Until one side fell out. So the other side jammed up into his gum. Owie. Took him to the orthodontist but the dr was in Ireland so they just yanked it out. Literally. I had to hold his hands, not fun. But afterwards he was estatic. So happy. When we went in last week I said, "Can't we just put on the braces" jokingly since he still had 6 weeks to go and he looked and said "Sure" Whoopie!!! Four teeny tiny brackets on his teeth, so different from the metal mouth I had growing up. They told him to pick four colors for the brackets (so stylin) and I suggested two so he didn't look like a clown. He had been looking at the colors each and every visit and he pulls out two samples and says, "Black and Silverrrrrr" and I wince and say, "How about blue and silver?" and he says "Black and silverrrr." Fine. They actually look pretty good.

Next oldest is Kodi cat. Fat. Sour. Yells at Lily for licking him in the face but won't run away. Just hisses and bitches. I love him.

Gah, too close to dinner and baseball. I'll update on me and the huzband tomorrow. Love him too.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Back to Normalish

I thought summer was supposed to be relaxing??!! Can school start back up so we can settle down? We had a great weekend at N's class reunion, so fun to see everyone's (including my husband's) faces light up when they realize who they are seeing. And so nice to visit wonderful friends who take care of our babies. And have a nice hotel room just me & my husband without monkeys jumping on the bed?? Fabulous.

My mother is visiting, which is so centering. Part of me wants to entertain and part of me wants to just sit and nest. She brought memorabilia from her childhood and ours (me & my sister). Too funny to see letters sent home from camp (is barfating a word?) and see the same funny artwork that my kids draw.

We went to the lake two days ago and let Lily swim. Wore her out, she could barely stand when she got home. It was either worn out from swimming or from all the times she got car sick on the way there and home. Nice. Plus G came with us to play and the kids all went wading in the lake. We were wiping off our legs when she said, "What is that squirmy thing on my leg?" Gross, teeny tiny leech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nasty.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Another Day Another $2

How am I supposed to get work done when there are so many fun things to do in the summertime? Thank God for an understanding boss and flex scheduling!!! Right now I am watching the boys play on the back deck with their castle and battle men. It is like watching a movie, seeing them through the sliding glass door. The sun is shining (no sunscreen of course) and it is just one of those moment in time things. My boys are getting bigger, it is just so bittersweet. I want them bigger, I like them better and better the older they get, but it is still so fleeting, so poignant. Sniff.

I have to keep getting up and taking away Lily's stuffed squeaker toys, she keeps ripping their brains out. Poor brainless toys. Of course she is shredding her toys because I am typing on my blog instead of taking her for a walk. Bad momma.

N is on his way home, about gd time. Not his fault they keep adding on things to do, backtracking and whatnot. He will be home in time to turn around and leave about 14 hours later for his 20 year class reunion. 80's music and dance party tomorrow night - hilarious!!!!!!

I have subscribed to the "Urban Word of the Day" on my Google Reader. The word for today is "Homer." When you do a dumb ass thing and it works out well anyway. Story of my life, I am a Homer. I do Homer things. Thank goodness for Homers.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Enough is Enough

OK, really time for Nick to come back home. I mean, really, taking care of the boys now is NOTHING compared to two or three years ago, that was crazy and he was gone much more often. I just miss my husband.

Learning some new things on the computer, though, that is fun. Learned about RSS this week, have my own Google Reader account. You know the most important thing I have learned? There is a lot of garbage out there that can take up a lot of my time! A good one, though, is a vlog called Brotherhood 2.0. These guys are hilarious, every single time! I'm enjoying going through the archives to look at the past things they have talked about - it has been going on since January.

Went to the zoo yesterday for Z's birthday. Really fun, not too hot so the animals were out moving about. Have you ever really thought about how strange giraffes are? They are so normal in your brain because you have seen them all your life in pictures, but in person they are so bizarre!

Time to work, gotta make the money!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Waiting for Potter

Why oh why did I choose to order my Harry Potter book through the mail? It's 11:15 and no book!! Not that the mail usually comes sooner but arrrrhhhh!! I could have driven to the store by now and fought over the last remaining books. Granted I would have had to pack up the boys, put on my makeup, et cetera. I have already warned the monkeys that I will be unavailable for the rest of the day. I think they are planning up something mischevious but I'll have to wait and see. Lily keeps bringing me items that she is not allowed to have (i.e., the uninflated balloon I had to drop in order to stop her from licking Z to death - I looked all over and couldn't find it when I got back, W's dried starfish, Z's new Webkins dog) plus she found out that the carpet shreds at the entryway - wah!! On a more positive note, she has discovered tennis balls and enjoys them immensely, so now we have something portable to play with. This is turning up to be an interesting day! Go Harry Potter!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Busy Day

Z's birthday party is tonight - compromise in order to get his whole two guests to be able to come. The pinata is filled and I will make the cake as soon as I get off the computer!! Watched "Karate Kid II" on the computer via Netflix last night. The boys and I made a nest on the floor which Lily initially tried to destroy. Spent the first five minutes of the movie trying to get the silly puppy to settle down. Z went up the stairs last night saying, "That was the best move I ever seed." So good night. Got to make the rocket cake today, get all the games set up (looking forward to seeing how the comet game goes - tennis balls stuffed into knee high silver pantyhose and thrown). Then Harry Potter book comes out very soon, going to stay up all night Saturday night for that one! Time to make cake!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Alone (At Last?)

N left for a 10 day business trip today. I am usually happy until day 4-5, then not so much. This time he has left me with Z having a 102 fever. Not so much again. Made a frivilous purchase last night - yard sale heart cast aluminum patio furniture. I feel like such a heel negotiating with my neighbors, but they came out close to what they were asking and I got a good deal but paid more than I wanted. So that is ok, right? Why do I feel guilty negotiating for used furniture? Maybe because they are elderly, but they aren't slow at all!!! That's right, make yourself feel better about it. And I busted my knee on the doorframe yesterday trying to keep Lily inside, so I'm gimping around the house. Going to get supplies for Z's outer space party today if he feels up to it, so that should be good. Ah, another day!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Back At It

We survived another weekend of travel plus we've got the boy back. He is sleeping a lot now trying to recover from his week of fun. Something new every day, museums, water parks, swimming in the lake, movie every night. Spoiled rotten, I love it! When we picked him up we went to the Indianapolis Children's Museum - I highly recommend it! Dinosaurs and an Egyptian mummy (they learned the embalming process on a full sized stuffed doll, gross but educational). Trains and glasswork, an amazing place. Really enjoyed spending time with family both there and when we got back to Louisville. Z and our neice M are really peas in a pod and enjoy each other's company. We left Lily with Baku and they had a great time being doggy together. Now we just have to keep going at a fun summer!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Almost Done

We go and get W tomorrow, really looking forward to that. We talked to him last night and he is finally homesick, ready to come home. So the visit is right about the right length. It has not been a spoiled week for Z as I had hoped, but we will do something special today. Perhaps Build-A-Bear since it is too rainly for the zoo. Who knows, the possibilities are endless! But if I don't get moving, I won't have time to do any of it!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rainy Day

Got a call from W last night, 10:30 pm! I have to remember that it is grandparent time so rules don't count. He is so proud that he bought a rabbit pelt, eek!

We took Lily to a baseball field last night to run and run and run. Totally didn't think about the fact that it had rained hard that day and it was full of red mud! Red mud on a white dog. Now that's dirty. And she found a gate that didn't close properly, nosed it open and ran! We have to teach her to come more consistently. Been watching Caesar Millan, that has helped, gotta be completely authoritarian. Know that what you ask will be done. Easier said than done! But she is eating all her food, hooray hooray hooray!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Part of Me

We left W with his grandparents for a week. It is appropriate, he is 8, but it is still hard. It's not that I miss him, crying every day. But he is missing. From me, from here. I'm glad he is there and I"ll be glad to have him back. Things are quiet here, getting back to normal. I hate that I just fiddle-ass around for days, not really doing anything constructive. Listening to Harry Potter Book 6 yesterday set me back. I will find anything to do other than what I am supposed to be doing. Wah wah boo hoo, I'll write again when I get over myself and find something constructive to write about!!!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Fry Day

Gawd, it's hot up here. Very nice in the evenings but still pretty warm during the day. The kids had a great time yesterday on the canoe on the lake. Z looked so little paddling in front with Grandaddy. Going to swim today, ah. Lily swam a bit for the very first time yesterday, her toes all spread out so her flipper feet would work. Helpful hint: do NOT take a puppy to a park where geese live. So nasty. Her sniffer went bonkers and she tried to eat all the goose leftovers. Dogs are gross. The kids played with the slip-n-slide yesterday, they can just throw their bodies down onto the ground with no problem whatsoever. If I tried that, you would be sending me to the hospital pronto. Time to swim in the lake!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Boom Day, From Far Away

We survived the 9 hour trip! Wahoo! Thank goodness for Harry Potter on CD. We got the monkeys to bed and watched fireworks from N's parent's moored pontoon boat, just the two of us. Romantic for those of us not used to romantic situations! The coolest firework was an apple, really neat - red with a green stem. Lily went ya-ya on her run when we went inside, flipping herself upside down trying to get to us. The approaching storm probably didn't help either. MIL was GREAT that she suggested we could bring Lily's crate into our downstairs bedroom instead of staying alone in the garage, that helped tremendously. Why am I more concerned about my dog right now than my kids? I'm sure once the newness wears off she will drop into her proper place, but right now I am just so worried. It's like a new baby, is she eating enough, happy enough, are we doing the right thing. At least I have transferred my worries from my kids to my dog. I just wish she would eat more and gain weight, I HATE seeing her ribs and super skinny belly, she looks so uncared for. :( Argh, got to stop obsessing about the dog. I'm going to go play with the monkeys. Hope everyone had a great 4th!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Don't, Quit It, Stop It, Leave Him/Her Alone

Ah, the joys of being at home with the kids and a dog for the summer. How do you teach an 8-year-old about how their tone so affects what they are saying? Is it really their attitude shining through or is it our attitude shining through? I wonder what I sound like to them. Shrewish, I'm sure.

And our trip to the vet. How in our trustingness do we say "Sure, you can do this and this and this test to my dog, if you think it is necessary" and you know they are thinking "Suuuurrre, it is necessary, riiiiight." BUT, I have no problem at all paying $9 for someone to express the stopped-up glands on my dog's hind end, how nasty is that?? Whatever the cost, so long as I don't have to do that. Yuck. Good news is that is what was making my new dog smell like stinky dog after two baths a week.

Time for dinner, the natives are restless. I love blogging!

Monday, July 2, 2007

And So It Begins

I've started too late in the day for pithy comments. Today was Lily learning to absolutely BAY at strangers in our house. So glad she is good with kids, just need to learn to control the barker and realize that the world is not an enemy. I'm really excited about learning about Web 2.0 (which is why this blog is started in the first place). W had spacers put in his teeth today, very sore tonight. Learned running for two hours in crocks is bad. I told him, then N told him and we got the "I know, I know" line. Z is still at the pissed off because somebody gave him the wrong color cup stage. Oi carumba, too much to do and not enough sleep, very bad. But this will be fun, I feel so up to date with my own blog!