Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Don't, Quit It, Stop It, Leave Him/Her Alone

Ah, the joys of being at home with the kids and a dog for the summer. How do you teach an 8-year-old about how their tone so affects what they are saying? Is it really their attitude shining through or is it our attitude shining through? I wonder what I sound like to them. Shrewish, I'm sure.

And our trip to the vet. How in our trustingness do we say "Sure, you can do this and this and this test to my dog, if you think it is necessary" and you know they are thinking "Suuuurrre, it is necessary, riiiiight." BUT, I have no problem at all paying $9 for someone to express the stopped-up glands on my dog's hind end, how nasty is that?? Whatever the cost, so long as I don't have to do that. Yuck. Good news is that is what was making my new dog smell like stinky dog after two baths a week.

Time for dinner, the natives are restless. I love blogging!

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