Monday, April 14, 2008

Now They Won't Stop

Iam not a baby/toddler person. At least not when I have to live with them. Other people's babies are great for a few hours, but then you get to give them back when they stop smiling. I couldn't wait for the boys to get out of toddlerhood and out of diapers. But now I want to stop time, put a brick on their heads to stop them growing. Now is awesome, now is so much fun. Will is a great conversationalist, a hysterical sense of humor, and so eager to do the right thing. Zack has slapstick down-pat. His timing is just right. And he loves to have fun and giggle. Buncha monkeys I live with and I am just loving it. But I know this time is fleeting. Z just lost his first tooth, Will keeps growing out of his clothes. Sigh. But still so many fun times. Zack and I went to the Brickey Mother/Son, Father/Daughter Kindergarten Dance on Friday. We went to Ruby Tuesday where his boutonniere kept getting smashed against the table as he drank the coveted Coca-Cola. They had disco balls at the dance and I have in my mind's eye a view of looking down at Z while he held my hands and spun around, the lights skimming past his freckled face. These are the golden years of childhood, aren't we lucky??