Sunday, January 13, 2008

Um, OK

And I thought last time was bad! It's been a while, I'll just start with 2008. The New Year has been really nice so far. Happy to be back home after traveling like crazy over Christmas and New Years. We always say we will stay at home but it never happens. I do know that we would be sorry if we didn't, so we do. Blah.

Recently went out to a lovely restaurant here in Knoxville called Oodles Uncorked. It's a wine bar and restaurant combined. Nothing like looking through a BOOK of wine options. I know Yellow Tail. Period. Not much else. I looked at my friend Stacey and said, "Would I like a wine with peach overtones?" I had no idea. So sophisticated, snort. But the food!!! Oh,......My.....God!!! Really wonderful. At first we each got cheese platters to sample. I now know that I don't prefer goat cheese. It's not like if someone offered it to me I would go, gag, no, never goat cheese. But I don't say mmmmmmm goat cheese. Too tangy and strange because I like tangy like gin & tonic but apparently not goat cheese. I'll shut up about the goat cheese now. Why do I carry on like that? I do it in person too and I'm sure people want to say "Shut up already" but they just nod their heads and let me prattle on and on and on......anyway. I had an $8 glass of wine. I remember the name because it is like mirror and tiramisu combined. Mirassou. I had to open up another window to get the spelling right, but dammit I remembered and I don't remember much!!! For the entre I had Moroccan chicken, baked in a tagine (another cool thing I learned that nite). So tender with figs and plums, yum. And a crappy tiramisu for dessert. Too bad about that because the rest of the meal was so yummy. And the restaurant was really pretty with a punched tin ceiling and twinkle lights everywhere. From there we walked (brrrr in my little black dress and 3" heels, what was I thinking I'm 5'10" as it is) to a bar called Sapphire. Had a yummy Tanqueray and tonic and a great time talking to the other 2 couples until they turned up the music and we started feeling old. Damn. So we left and went next door to the Brewery. Some got another drink and we played a great game of pool. Then it was 11 and we had to leave to relieve the babysitter. What a great evening with great friends.

We also spent another great evening with P&S and their son J recently playing Apples to Apples. Fun game, check it out. And I made the Blondies that Santa gave me for Christmas. Double yum and very rich. And drank WAY too much Kahlua on the rocks. Can't figure out why the Christmas weight isn't falling off yet, snort again.

Time to put the monkeys to bed. I'll try be more consistent, sorry!!

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