Saturday, March 21, 2009

NYC - Travel Day 2

So the fireworks went well into the night on the 4th of July, with the M80's across the street rattling the house! But so what, it was the Fourth! The next morning the yard across the street was LITTERED with phone book pages - hysterical. And we hit the road running. Up through Ohio, across the tippy top of WVA and on into Pennsylvania. I was expecting things to be boring and flat. Boy, was I wrong. Absolutely beautiful, like driving in a really wide valley with mountains far away on either side. Gorgeous green grass even though it was July. Just lovely. Brian was kind enough to lend us his DVD player with a much bigger screen than we had, so the boys pretty much stuck to movies or books the entire trip. Close to the end we realized that we would be driving by Hershey, PA where my mom would be staying in a few weeks, so we drove in to leave her a surprise message at their campground's front desk. Not as simple as one would imagine. We got a full tour of Hershey before driving out completely another direction to find the campsite. We definitely have to go back there - who wouldn't love a city with Hershey kisses for lights? Yum!! And we bought a Hershey bar at the campsite for a snack and it was almost the best chocolate EVER - a silly Hershey bar, but it was so fresh and chocolaty. They need to put an "eat by" date on those things, kind of like beer except it's candy. Then on to NJ where we got lost yet again in the dark, but finally made it to Deb's welcoming house. Sigh. Long day, but fun and pleasant, plus bonus of Hershey!!

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